Sunday, December 10, 2006

A Great Equalizer!!!

For the most part, women are physically smaller and weaker than their male counter parts. So how can a small woman compete, in regards to street survival, against a larger, testosterone filled, attacker? Is it possible that they can put themselves on an equal footing and even "win and survive" an altercation?

Get a Knife and learn how to use it!

Learning to use a bladed weapon can improve the odds immeasurably. Knife fighting can help women, of all sizes, gain an edge in all aspects of their training. As a self-defense equalizer, the knife is unmatched. Its the perfect SELF-PRESERVATION WEAPON!! As an attribute enhancement tool, weapons sparring forces quick, agile movements and provides a phenomenal mind-body workout.

Understanding Knife applications and defenses offers such a wealth of information on training concepts that no one could possibly learn them all in one lifetime. Training with a blade and all its possibilities also translates into better "Empty Hands" applications.

Find a Quality Instructor

A quality knife instructor should have a solid background in the following:

1. Filipino Martial Arts (Kali)
2. Self-Preservation and JKD Concepts
3. Reality Based Martial Arts
4. Real World Application: Security, Police, Military etc.
5. A Student of any of the me.

No Instructor in your area. Seek out the following on DVD:

1. Dan Inosanto
2. Paul Vunak
3. John Lopez

Yes, there are many more instructors/systems out there. But the above is just a sampling of who I like and respect and who fit "MY" model for training with the blade!

SGT Goynes


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